6 Best Apps for Night Photography


Are you interested in shooting stars and night photography? These astrophotography apps make shooting stars much easier. They are recommended for finding an ideal location, perfect weather conditions, identifying stars, the position of the Milky Way or the moon.

This article is a small part of our extensive guide: Beginners Tips for Night Sky and Star Photography.

Dark Sky Finder

Light pollution is a major problem in photographing stars. This app will help you find the darkest spot for observation. Users add their favorite places along with notes.

Weather Underground

This is one of the most accurate predictions. When it says it will rain in 20 minutes, it rains in 20 minutes. What makes the app special for us? You can set your own specific notifications. If you are waiting for the fog after the rain, simply set the alert.

Deluxe Moon

This is my favorite monthly app. It offers a visual idea of ​​how much light the moon reflects. Ideal conditions occur when the moon is new or far below the horizon. I can see exactly when this will happen.

TPE - The Photographer's Ephemeris

It is a web-based and mobile application that simply helps to outline where it will shine in a given location. You can see the light falling into place, both day and night, using the sun and moon position calculator.

Go Sky Watch

This app is great to identify stars in the sky. You can locate stars, planets or entire constellations simply by pointing your mobile phone toward the sky and rotating it.


You should install ff you are really interested in astrophotography. Finding the Milky Way has never been easier. The app offers countless features that are very useful. For example, if you have a 14mm, f / 2.8 Samyang manual lens, you can use the calculator to calculate the shutter speed at aperture and ISO.
